DREAD Presents: BLACK SITE Blu-ray Packaging is a Thing of Beauty!

Less than a week ago, we opened up pre-orders for April’s DREAD release, Black Site. We saw the film out of last year’s FrightFest and were blown away by its masterful blend of styles that embody the early works of John Carpenter, elements of H.P. Lovecraft, and a hefty dose of martial arts that hearken to The Matrix and The Raid. This is a film I’ve been passionate about for a while and I’m incredibly excited for the rest of the world to see it!

Today, we want to reveal to you all the final blu-ray artwork as well as the disc design because it’s really something special!

Seriously, how cool is this whole design? It’s all thanks to Johnny Tabor, the man who created the poster for The Man Who Killed Hitler and Then the Bigfoot, which went viral after its release.

Black Site is only $14.99 right now but this special price is only available until April 9, the day of release, so if you want to save some money, support indie filmmakers, and get a badass cosmic horror film, you can pre-order it right here!

