Who Goes There Podcast: Ep206 – BLOOD SUCKING FREAKS

Boy oh boy, do we have a treat for you nerds! This week we’re joined by the very funny comedian Ryan Shores to discuss the pinnacle of sophistication: the theatre. We’ll discuss how powerful the on stage performance can be, the grace and beauty of the ballet, and timeless works of art. In addition, we’ll also be discussing human dart boards, snuff as entertainment, mouth urinals, and lots and lots of boobs! You might be asking, “how on earth are they able to seamlessly cover such a wide range of topics?” Well, I’ll tell ya, Slappy. It’s all thanks to the cinematic masterpiece that is Blood Sucking Freaks!
Join us, as we bask in the glory of one of my all time favorite Troma releases, and keep someone from flying off the handle.

Uh, hello. Being slowly digested over a thousand years – worst death ever. It’s the Who Goes There Podcast episode 206!
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