Fangoria and Cinestate Win Big at Independent Publisher Book Awards

We’ve been reporting on the phenomenal success of Preston Fassel’s Our Lady of the Inferno since Fangoria published the novel last October. Now, there’s a movie based on the book in the works, along with an audiobook featuring Barbara Crampton. Our Lady of the Inferno also made Bloody Disgusting’s list of the Top 10 horror novels of 2018.

Related Article: Riding the INFERNO: How Work as an Extra on a Horror Flick Led to a Book Deal, Movie Deal and Dream Job

We also reported on the release of the third novel from Cinestate (Fangoria’s parent company) last December. Headcheese is “written in a unique style that recalls the textbook format of House of Leaves [by Mark Danielewski]. The novel tells the intersecting stories of 26 diverse individuals all connected by acrotomophilia—a sexual fetish for amputation. As they take desperate measures to make themselves feel whole by removing their own limbs—among other appendages—they fall under the sway of Captain Hook, a charismatic cult leader obsessed with perfecting the art of do-it-yourself amputation.”

Today, we’re thrilled to report that Our Lady of the Inferno and Headcheese both scored big at this year’s Independent Publisher Book Awards! Here’s the full scoop straight from the source:

Since 1996, The Independent Publisher Book Awards, also known as the IPPYs, are awarded each year to honor the best independently published books in a variety of categories and genres. This year, FANGORIA’s inaugural novel, Preston Fassel’s Our Lady of the Inferno, took home the gold medal, while Headcheese—published under the Cinestate literary imprint– won the bronze.

Set against the backdrop of 1980s New York, Our Lady of the Inferno tells the intersecting stories of two deadly women: Ginny Kurva, a polymath streetwalker, and Nicolette Aster, a landfill safety inspector who moonlights as a serial killer. Headcheese is an experimental novel told from the perspectives of 26 diverse individuals, all of whom are obsessed with self-amputation and many of whom fall under the sway of a charismatic cult leader. Both books garnered rave reviews, with Newsweek favorably comparing Headcheese to Moby Dick and Bloody Disgusting naming Our Lady of the Inferno as one of the ten best horror books of 2018. A film adaptation of Our Lady is currently in development at FANGORIA and an audiobook adaptation is in production through Mark Alan Miller’s Encyclopocalypse Publications.

Congratulations to Preston Fassel, Jess Hagemann, Fangoria, and Cinestate! We can’t wait to see what you guys come up with next!

Have you read Our Lady of the Inferno and/or Headcheese? Let us know in the comments below or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram!

