Will We Ever See It? Disney Delays THE NEW MUTANTS with No Target Release Date

For horror fans, one of the most exciting pieces of news to emerge from CinemaCon in Las Vegas was that The New Mutants was listed on Disney’s slate of upcoming releases. The film was produced by 20th Century Fox, which Disney now owns.
Related Article: Promotion at CinemaCon Suggests THE NEW MUTANTS Will Get Theatrical Release in 2019
Those who have been following The New Mutants‘ saga know it’s already been a turbulent ride. Once upon a time, The New Mutants was slated to hit theaters in 2017. Then, it was delayed until 2018 in order to undergo extensive reshoots. Then it was delayed again. And again. And again. Fans aren’t the only ones frustrated, as even the film’s stars have publically vented.
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Now, unfortunately, it looks like The New Mutants is going back into limbo. This journalist is beginning to wonder if the film will ever see the light of day. iHorror got the exclusive:
While the source declined to say whether or not the release date for The New Mutants will be moved completely out of 2019, this would seem to be almost a certainty, given that Fox is, reportedly, still demanding reshoots, which have yet to get underway. “The new release date will be far away from August,” says the source. “Nothing else is known at this point.”
Whatever ends up happening with The New Mutants, we’ll bring you the news as details emerge, so stay tuned. In the meantime, check out the synopsis and trailer for the film below.
Magik, Wolfsbane, and other teenage mutants try to come to grips with their superpowers while staying at a secret facility.
The New Mutants is written and directed by Josh Boone; the film stars Anya Taylor-Joy, Maisie Williams, and Charlie Heaton.
Have you been looking forward to seeing The New Mutants for years like we have? Are you just as frustrated as we are? Let us know in the comments below or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram!