Who Goes There Podcast: Ep209 – PET SEMATARY (2019)

Welcome, to the first time this year we’ll be squabbling about yet another Stephen King remake! This time around, we’ll be discussing the brand new remake of 1989’s Pet Sematary. If you’ve been a listener of our show for a while now you may have heard our review of Pet Sematary 2. Seeing as how we never reviewed the original, this aught to make up for that, right? (Review starts at 47:27)
In addition to our to our carefully crafted colloquialisms, we also have a rather in depth conversation about why we want another Friday the 13th movie, and why slasher films in general are important. Jorge just doesn’t understand slashers, and we gotta take this little n00b to school.

Guys, it’s ok! He just wants his machete back! It’s the Who Goes There Podcast episode 209!
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