Who Goes There Podcast: Ep210 – THE HEAD HUNTER

Every year, Matt and Alia come back from the Telluride Horror Show and there always seems to be one movie they absolutely rave about. Some movies, like 2018’s Aterrados, absolutely live up to the hype, while some like 2015’s They Look Like People do not.
Here we are again. Another year has passed, another film fest has come and gone, and this year the adorable duo were singing the The Head Hunter‘s praises from those snowy Telluride mountaintops. (Review starts at 24:42) In fact, Matt was quoted in the films trailer, calling The Head Hunter, “a gut punch of tension, horror, and dread”.
Can the film possibly live up to the massive amounts of praise showered upon it? Or will accounts of the film’s greatness prove to be just a fantasy?

I am the writing on the wall, the whisper in the classroom. I am the Who Goes There Podcast, episode 210!
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