Exclusive: This Clip From THE OBSESSED (The BEST OF ME) Might Just Be The Most NSFW Thing We’ve Ever Shown

Almost a year ago, we premiered the trailer for Last Day (The Best of Me), a strange, practical FX-drive body horror film out of Albania. In that article, we acknowledged that the film had – are you ready for this? – “a penis with a mouth, teeth and tongue included”. Yeah…

Well, today we’re taking things a step further into the realm of “Dear lord this is the most NSFW thing imaginable” by bringing you an exclusive clip from the retitled film, now marked as The Obsessed (The Best of Me). In the clip, we see the main character piecing together a bomb that’s hidden inside of a book, all while taking instructions from his hypnotically droning nether bits. Putting the uncomfortable and gross imagery aside, the practical FX are genuinely quite good and very, very unsettling. Definitely watch this one at your own risk.

A body horror freely inspired to the real story of Ricardo López, Bjork’s stalker.

Directed by Domiziano Cristopharo, The Obsessed (The Best of Me) stars Jacopo Tomassini, Elisa Carrera Fumagalli, and Bjordi Mezini.

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