Bill Murray Hasn’t Even Been Asked to Appear in GHOSTBUSTERS 3

While he’s at Cannes promoting his upcoming zom-com The Dead Don’t Die (directed by Jim Jarmusch), the folks at IndieWire got to ask the iconic comedian/actor about his participation in the upcoming Ghostbusters sequel. His answer is both welcome and telling:
“This franchise paid for my son’s college. We made this thing. We are the caretakers of it. It’s a great thing and it was a really fun movie to make. It’s a real movie with some really funny stuff in it.”
Murray’s response is welcome, and surprising because he’d been vehemently opposed to participating in another Ghostbusters movie for decades. Of course, he had a cameo in Paul Feig’s Ghostbusters in 2016, so it’s not like a complete change in tune.
What’s telling, however, is that it appears Murray has not officially been attached to the upcoming Ghostbusters sequel yet–this in spite of the fact that the film (directed by Jason Reitman) already has a target release date (July 3rd, 2020). Remember, when Reitman/Sony first announced the new Ghostbusters movie, the participation of the original cast was practically promised. Now, it sounds like their appearances will be minimal at best. But time will tell.
What do you think about Bill Murray’s willingness to participate in the new Ghostbusters movie? Let us know in the comments below or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram!