RICK AND MORTY Coming Back This November
Rick and Morty, the beloved Adult Swim cartoon series will see its fourth season premiere this November, thanks to an announcement from the titular duo themselves. The show’s third season aired throughout 2017, so the new season comes over two years after the last one ended.
In May last year, the show was renewed for an additional 70 episodes, more than double the number of episodes already aired in the first three seasons.
For horror fans, the show has been a constant source of winks and nods, with homages to A Nightmare on Elm Street, The Purge, the works of David Cronenberg, and much, much more. Wickedly entertaining and an absolute blast, it’s going to be a great day when season 4 premieres!
“Rick and Morty is Adult Swim’s most scientifically accurate animated comedy. Created by Justin Roiland and Dan Harmon, it catalogues the bizarre misadventures of a bored scientific genius/drunkard and his socially awkward grandson, Morty. Their exploits tend to have unintended consequences for Morty’s dysfunctional family, especially his unfailingly mediocre father, Jerry. Watch Rick and Morty battle everything from interdimensional customs agents to Cronenberg monsters now.“