New Series of THREE FROM HELL Mugshot Tees Available to Order Now

We may not have a trailer, we may not have a release date, we may not even have a substantial synopsis–but we can buy all the Three From Hell t-shirts you want! A new set promoting Rob Zombie’s sequel to The Devil’s Rejects just went on sale. Choose a mugshot graphic of Captain Spaulding, Otis Driftwood, Baby Firefly–or all three, HERE.
Related Article: Rob Zombie Offers Lengthy THREE FROM HELL Update; Promises Trailer Soon + Shares New Pic of Sid Haig
Zombie shared news to the new tees on Instagram:
Related Article: Chaz Bono? Rob Zombie Promises Many Bizarre Cameos in THREE FROM HELL
In addition to reuniting the Firefly clan (Bill Moseley, Sheri Moon Zombie, and Sid Haig) the film will also feature, Richard Brake, Emilio Rivera, Danny Trejo, Kevin Jackson, Wade Williams, Jeff Daniel Phillips, Pancho Moler, Daniel Roebuck, David Ury, Sean Whalen, Austin Stoker, Dee Wallace, Bill Oberst Jr., Dot-Marie Jones, and Tom Papa.
Related Article: Time Warp! Rob Zombie Reveals Another Wacky THREE FROM HELL Cameo
We’ll continue to bring you all Three From Hell details as they emerge; stay tuned!