Hulu Drops a Bunch of Pics from Gigi Saul Guerrero’s CULTURE SHOCK

Hulu and Blumhouse have been collaborating of a monthly series of feature films, each tackling that month’s main holiday. Into the Dark is so far comprised of The Body (October 2018), Flesh and Blood (November 2018), Pooka (December 2018), New Year, New You (January 2019), Down (February 2019), Treehouse (March 2019), I’m Just F*cking with You (April 2019), and All That We Destroy (May 2019).
Upcoming Into the Dark installments are They Come Knocking (June 2019) and Culture Shock (July 2019). I’m most excited about the later, as I was invited to the set during the film’s final days of shooting (more on that after the embargo ends). Culture Shock feels incredibly timely, considering America’s current sociopolitical climate. While my lips are still sealed in terms of what’s in store, Hulu just released a gallery of images for Culture Shock, directed by Gigi Saul Guerrero. Give them a look-see below.
Photo Credit: Hulu/Greg Gayne
This thriller follows a young Mexican woman in pursuit of the American Dream, who crosses illegally into the United States, only to find herself in an American nightmare. In partnership with Blumhouse Television, Into The Dark is a horror event series made up of 12 feature-length installments, with a new program released monthly and inspired by a holiday, that will feature Blumhouse’s signature genre/thriller spin on the story.
Culture Shock stars Martha Higareda, Richard Cabral, Shawn Ashmore, Barbara Crampton, and Creed Bratton; look for it on Hulu beginning July 4th or at its world premiere during Cinepocalypse in Chicago next month.
Source: BD