Severin’s June Releases See NIGHT KILLER Take On ROBOWAR Like a BEAST IN HEAT

This June, the fine folk over at Severin Films are planning on taking viewers through three very distinct horror journeys with their releases of Claudio Fragasso’s Night Killer, Bruno Mattei’s Robowar, and Luigi Batzella’s Beast in Heat! Below are descriptions, images, and special feature lists for each film and above is a trailer that highlights the three titles.
“When a team of badass commandos is hired for a jungle rescue mission, they’ll instead find them hunted by a kill-crazed creature that is part man, part machine and all glorious ‘80s ItaloSleaze.“
Special Features for Robowar:
- Robo Predator – Interview with Co-Director / Co-Writer Claudio Fragasso
- Italian Rip Off – Interview with Co-Writer Rossella Drudi
- Violence She Wrote – Career Interview with Screenwriter Rossella Drudi
- Robo-Lady – Interview with Actress Catherine Hickland
- Papa Doc’s War – Interview with Actor John P. Dulaney
- The Robowarrior – Interview with Actor Jim Gaines Jr.
- War in the Philippines – Interview with Actor / Stuntman Massimo Vanni
- Catherine Hickland’s Behind The Scenes Home Movies
- Trailer
“Somewhere between Zombie 4 and Troll 2, writer/director Claudio Fragasso – here under the name “Clyde Anderson” – set out to direct a suspense thriller about a suicidal beauty, an unstable sleazebag and a masked killer with a razor-fingered glove. But when the producers received Fragasso’s cut, they hired his former partner Bruno Mattei (The Other Hell, Robowar) to shoot additional scenes of graphic gore and released it in Italy as Texas Chainsaw Massacre 3. The result is part sicko giallo, part depraved slasher and 100% batsh*t insanity that Euro Fever calls ‘disturbing, nasty and more inspired than most Italian horror of the early ‘90s.’“
Special Features for Night Killer:
- The Virginia Claw Massacre – Interview With Director Claudio Fragasso
- Mindf*ck – Interview With Screenwriter Rossella Drudi
- Trailer
“Writer/director Luigi Batzella (The Devil’s Wedding Night, Nude For Satan) combines footage from two earlier WWII action movies with a newly-shot plot featuring a sadistic female Nazi officer (Macha Magall), a perpetually aroused caged ogre (Salvatore Baccaro), and a cavalcade of sexual atrocities.“
Special Features for Beast in Heat:
- Fascism On A Thread – The Strange Story of Nazisploitation Cinema: A new feature-length documentary featuring interviews with Dyanne ‘Ilsa’ Thorne, Malissa ‘Elsa’ Longo, Filmmakers Sergio Garrone, Mariano Caiano, Rino Di Silvestro, Liliana Cavani, Bruno Mattei and many more.
- Nazi Nasty – Interview with Stephen Thrower, Author of MURDEROUS PASSIONS
- Trailer