Vinegar Syndrome To Release 4K Restoration of Cult Classic HELL COMES TO FROGTOWN

Yeah, everyone knows Roddy Piper and his kick ass (no pun intended) performance in John Carpenter’s 1988 sci-fi/horror flick They Live. But it seems few recall his performance from the same year as Sam Hell in the post-apocalyptic mindfuck that is Hell Comes to Frogtown. A masterpiece of absurdity, it’s a film that I hold near and dear to my heart.

Today is a very good day as Vinegar Syndrome have announced that they will be releasing a 4K restoration of Hell Comes to Frogtown. Knowing their track record, the disc is probably going to come loaded with special features, making it a “must purchase” disc upon release. Trust me, readers. This is one title you’re not going to want to miss out on!

After a nuclear war, the survivors are divided between horribly mutated beings who live on desolate reservations and fertile women who are searching for scarce virile men in order to multiply and start a new human society.

Written by Randall Frakes and directed by Donald G. Jackson, Hell Comes to Frogtown stars Roddy Piper, William Smith, Sandahl Bergman, Rory Calhoun, and Nicholas Worth.



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