Preview MONSTER WORLD: THE GOLDEN AGE #1 from American Gothic Press

American Gothic Press is the comic book publishing imprint of Famous Monsters of Filmland magazine. Their stable of writers and artists includes up and coming talent, established industry veterans, and celebrity storytellers. The goal is to represent all that is “gothic” in majestic and compelling formats.
Next on the docket is Monster World: The Golden Age #1. “Written by AGP publisher Philip Kim with editor Holly Interlandi, stunning artwork is provided by Piotr Kowalski, who is currently blowing minds on Titan’s Bloodborne and has been a staple in horror comics for many years. Dennis Calero, who has illustrated stories by the likes of Stephen King and John Carpenter, provides the depth of color. The letters are the work of graphic designer Jenn Pham. The issue’s variant cover is by Broken Moon stalwart Nat Jones.”
Private detective Hank Barrymore stumbled upon the occult when he investigated a murder case on the World Studios movie set. Now, in his quest to find a witch he fell reluctantly in love with, Hank enlists the help of Nybbas, the demon of knowledge, and follows his clues to the plains of Oklahoma, where a strange farm boy is planting fear into the hearts of monsters and townspeople alike! What’s more, Nybbas is just a joke of a demon compared to what Hank finds in Oklahoma…
Pre-order your copy of Monster World: The Golden Age #1 HERE and check out our preview gallery below.
Are you a fan of the publications from American Gothic Press? Does Monster World: The Golden Age #1 sound like a comic you’d like to explore? Let us know in the comments below or onFacebook, Twitter, or Instagram!