Exclusive: This NIGHTMARE CINEMA Clip is Pure, Well…Nightmare Fuel

Coming to limited theaters and On-Demand on June 21 is the anthology horror film Nightmare Cinema, which boasts the incredible directing roster of Alejandro Brugués, Joe Dante, Ryūhei Kitamura, David Slade, and Mick Garris. Five unique stories, each connected to the singular attendee of the titular theater, where Mickey Rourke acts as a mysterious and sinister projectionist.
Above, we have an exclusive clip from David Slade’s segment, titled “This Way to Egress”. The short is based on a story by Lawrence C. Connolly called “Traumatic Descent”, and it’s been a pet project of Slade’s for nearly two decades. Presented in black-and-white, it’s a hauntingly eerie short, one where madness is the lens by which the story presents itself.
Additionally, we have an exclusive poster to show off, which highlights a character from “This Way to Egress”: The Janitor. You can see that to the right.
You can read our interview with Slade from last year’s Fantasia Film Festival.