Who Goes There Podcast: Ep214 – BRIGHTBURN

Look! Up in the sky! It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s… finally the end of the Marvel Cinematic Universe! I don’t know about you, but I have had it up to my tits with all of the superhero movies being shoved down our throats. For the last twelve years almost every film has been: weak villain attacks, fly, punch, celebrate, repeat. However, unlike zombies, the superhero genre has several ways of keeping itself feel fresh and interesting.
You may be asking yourself, “but how can superhero movies keep from feeling stale?”. To which I reply, “calm down, I’ll tell you! Have you learned nothing of how this works?” Superhero films can stay relevant by changing up the formula on occasion. For example they can make the super being a child, or make it a villain story, or in the case of Brightburn, you can do both! (Review starts at 21:30)
If that wasn’t enough to tickle your pickle, we also discuss our advance directives and how easily Alia could murder Matt. Rhett forgets this is a horror podcast again, Alia tries to relate everything to getting freaky, Jorge can’t even, it’s just another day at the Who Goes There Podcast.

Look to la luna; it’s the Who Goes There Podcast episode 214!
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