To Die for Concept Trailer – Lovecraftian Slasher Film III

Official III Website
Ever have one of those moments in which you see a trailer and then for the rest of the day it became seared into your brain and you couldn’t stop thinking about it? Yeah, this is one of those times for us, it and could be for you, too, once you’ve seen the concept trailer for III.
Directed by Trey Howell and starring Robert Dough, Rachel Swindler, Blake Gardner, Amy Chadwell, Braxton Williams, Carri Schwab, and Ty Trumbo, III looks pretty damned promising. Read on for the details.
From the Website
III is a 3D horror feature film being produced by TBA Productions, LLC, an independent 2D and 3D media production company based in Charleston, South Carolina. The film is a hybrid of a slasher film with a creature feature twist in the vein of H.P. Lovecraft. TBA Productions is using practical effects to maximize the 3D version of the movie and is filming a 2D as well.
III’s story and visual aesthetic are drawn from the classic slasher and creature features from the late Seventies and Eighties. Rather than having female characters incarnated as bimbos running helplessly up the stairs, they have been scripted as strong female leads which fight back against their attackers, similar to films like The Descent and High Tension.
III features 13 cast members and 50+ extras that reside throughout North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia and has been filming since early October 2011 in St. Matthews, SC, on a pre-Civil War plantation. Key and supporting crew members consist of students from Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD), Trident Technical College, Charleston School of the Arts, and the Art Institute of Charleston as well as seasoned professionals from the industry.
Look for more soon!

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