Celebrate GREMLINS’ 35th Anniversary with Glorious Image Gallery + 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray Available for Pre-Order

It was 35 years ago today. A young Josh Millican was still a pre-teen, excitedly standing in line to see what promised to be a rip-roaring good time: Joe Dante’s Gremlins. Little did I know that genuine thrills awaited me within. I was still developing into the person I would become, but that day lit a fire that still burns bright today. It was when I first became a life-long horror fan.
If you’re also a child of the 1980s, strolling down Memory Lane on Gremlins‘ 35th Anniversary, feast your eyes on the glorious image gallery below. Thank you to Warner Bros. for opening their vaults!
If you’re looking to add Gremlins to your physical media collection, a 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray reissue will arrive on October 1st, 2019; you can pre-order your copy online today, HERE. (Special Features aren’t listed at this time, but we’ll keep you posted!)

“Don’t expose him to bright light. Don’t ever get him wet. And don’t ever, ever feed him after midnight.” This sage advice is ignored midway through Gremlins, with devastating results. This comic Joe Dante effort is set in a Norman Rockwell-esque small town at Christmastime. Seeking a unique gift for his son an erstwhile inventor (Hoyt Axton) purchases a cute, fuzzy little “Mogwai” from a Chinatown shopkeeper’s (Keye Luke) grandson (John Louie), who dispenses the above-mentioned warning before closing the deal. Meanwhile, young bank clerk Billy Peltzer (Zach Galligan) must suffer such antagonists as rich-bitch Mrs. Deagle (Polly Holliday) and priggish Gerald (Judge Reinhold) while pursuing his romance with Kate (Phoebe Cates). These and a variety of other plot strands are tied together when the lovable mogwai (named Gizmo) is exposed to bright light and gotten wet. In short order, the town is invaded by nasty, predatory Gremlins, who lay waste to everything in sight as Billy and Kate try to contain the destruction. Like most of Joe Dante’s works, Gremlins is chock-full of significant cameo appearances: in this instance, such pop-culture icons as Dick Miller, Jackie Joseph, Chuck Jones, Scott Brady, Harry Carey Jr., Steven Spielberg (the film’s executive producer) and even Robby the Robot all show up briefly on screen.
Are you a fan of Gremlins, released 35 years ago today? Are you excited to pick up a 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray this October? Let us know in the comments below or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram! You can also carry on the convo with me personally on Twitter @josh_millican.