HORRIBLE IMAGININGS FILM FEST 2019 Announces First Wave of Selections

The Horrible Imaginings Film Festival is gearing up for their next annual celebration of our beloved genre; the event happens in Santa Ana, CA from August 30th thru September 1st. Today, we’re thrilled to share their official shorts selections for 2019. Read the list below and find out more about each short film, HERE. We will keep you posted on the remaining waves as they are announced as Horrible Imaginings continues to tease out their full lineup!
Always Listening, Directed by Randy Gonzalez
Boxed, Directed by Wanjiru Njendu
Changeling, Directed by Faye Jackson [Featured Image]
For my cat Mieze, Directed by Wesley Gondin
The Gaze, Directed by Christina Raia
ghostmans, Directed by Richardo Yanofsky
Gingerbread, Directed by Kendell Courtney Klein
IN FULL BLOOM, Directed by Maegan Houang
Kathy, Directed by Jonathan Hammond
Mommy’s Little Monster, Directed by Patrick Green
Once Bitten, Directed by Pete Tomkies
PREFIGURED, Directed by Zeshaan Younus
Saori, Piling Up, Directed by Soichi Umezawa
Supine, Directed by Nicole Goode
The Vicious, Directed by Ian Hock and Trevor Dillon
Walk In Closet, Directed by Jamie Tuell
“Established in San Diego, CA in 2009, the annual Horrible Imaginings Film Festival showcases the newest voices in horror, sci-fi, and fantasy genre cinema over a multi-day event that consists of film screenings, diverse panels, parties, and networking sessions.
“Our mission is to spotlight genre cinema, amplify artistic voices, and foster a community of acceptance. We sincerely believe in the sharing and exploring of our deepest fears, desires, and anxieties in a community setting. This festival allows audience members the opportunity to not only explore these complex emotions but also exorcise them.
“Over the past 9 years, we have screened over 700 genre titles and welcomed over 8,000 passionate attendees.”
You can learn more about the Horrible Imaginings Film Festival and purchase tickets, HERE.

Have you attended past Horrible Imaginings Film Festivals? Will you be there in 2019? Let us know in the comments below or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram! You can also carry on the convo with me personally on Twitter @josh_millican.