Merchandise Dedicated To Rick Grimes From THE WALKING DEAD Will Be Sold At The San Diego Comic-Con

As you will no doubt be aware, The Walking Dead comic ended this year after an incredible 193 issues. Not only that, but Rick Grimes, who was the book’s protagonist from day one, was also killed off back in the penultimate issue, which left fans speechless. Needless to say, 2019 has been a tumultuous year for The Walking Dead.
If you’re still mourning the loss of Rick, it might offer you some comfort to know that merchandise dedicated to the heroic sheriff will be sold exclusively at this year’s San Diego Comic-Con, which runs from July 18 – 21 at the San Diego Convention Center. Thanks to for the heads up.
The products, which will be sold at the Skybound SDCC booth, will include a commemorative shirt featuring the outline of a statue of Rick, prints of issue 192 (where Rick met his demise) featuring a memorial image of Rick and signed by Robert Kirkman and Charlie Adlard, and an enamel pin badge reading ‘Sheriff R. Grimes, Rest in Peace, 2003 – 2019′. Damn, they really know how to tug at the heartstrings. Those of you who followed Rick’s journey will no doubt want to purchase some of these items to remember his heroic life.
Despite Rick’s death, The Walking Dead comic actually ended on a positive note, with human civilization gradually being rebuilt and zombies being driven to near extinction. In the final issue, which takes place over a decade after Rick died, we learn that his son, Carl, is now working as a courier for the Commonwealth communities, with the aforementioned statue of Rick having been constructed in his father’s honor. The issue also revealed that Michonne, another fan favorite character, is now working as a judge, and that she was responsible for banning the practice of owning walkers as property, which she unsurprisingly viewed as abhorrent.
And lastly, if you still feel that you need more Rick Grimes in your life, Andrew Lincoln is also set to return as the character in a series of TV movies set in the world of The Walking Dead TV series. So he may have died in the comics, but Rick’s story will still reach a conclusion on the small screen.
Enamel pin badge – $10 Rick Grimes commemorative shirt – $25 The Walking Dead issue 192 print signed by Robert Kirkman and Charlie Adlard – $192