Fantasia 2019: Top Five Anticipated Short Horror Films

Short films are life, especially those you can sneak in while waiting for a dental appointment. Mr. Greenworm, the middle-aged dude before you…yeah, he might be screaming from a tooth being pulled. But not you—not in that cold, uncomfortable, straight back chair. You, my dear, are screaming from the cinematography of pure terror you hold in your hands. You know what I’m talking about. The demons invading that little boy’s home. The circle of salt barely doing its job to keep demons away. And all of this in five to ten minutes. Oh, the pleasure of short films!

Because of this, I will be making my way to the shorts at Fantasia International Film Festival this year. Below are a few that I am looking forward to watching.

Let me know which short films you are interested in checking out in the comments!


Yes, I obsess over Gigi Saul Gurrero. What’s there not to obsess about? The girl has talent. But this time, I am not here for only Gigi.

Izzy Lee, director of shorts such as Come Out and Play, My Monster and Innsmouth, brings us Re-Home, where a mother and her newborn is “saved” by a loving family. But remember, Izzy Lee directs this. She has a knack for surprises, whether comedic or deadly. I always know that I am in for an unforeseen turn of events when I watch an Izzy Lee film.


Lili knows she has to nail this audition. The Man she auditions for, knows this too.

This synopsis was confusing when I first read it; however, it develops to reveal a game of cat and mouse that we suspect could benefit Lili—or this ominous Man. For this reason, I must see how this story ends.

The Video Store Commercial

The story takes place in a video store, where the owner hires a crew to shoot a commercial. Within these tight aisles, the crewmembers break a VHS—the wrong VHS. Not only will they probably die, but most importantly, the commercial may not be completed.

I chuckle whenever I read the synopsis. Furthermore, as I’ve stated many times to anyone who will listen, I have been hungry for comedy horrors since 2019 started. The Video Store Commercial is a comedy; thus, it shall be devoured.

Bedtime Story

This film is only nine minutes; however, by the unnerving soundtrack and ghostly figure that looms, I’m sure to be talking about this film for hours after it ends. Although, to be completely honest, what primarily draws me to this film is cinematographer Paco Femenía. His work in Gold, Carmen, and Captain Alatriste: The Spanish Musketeer has made me, and kept me, a fan.

Call For a Good Time

A stoner finds out why you never call the numbers scrawled on the bathroom stall.

This description of this five-minute film suggests a memorable experience. I’ve never called a number from a bathroom stall. I always thought it to be a weird idea. Now, I will can confirm my reasons.

If I could take three days to watch all the shorts at Fantasia International Film Festival, I would. There is so much that I need to see. But I’m not too bummed out. Because guess what I have. I have you. So, if you see shorts that I am unable to see at Fantasia, let me know how they are.



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