There’s Another Petition to Make Halloween the Last Saturday in October

Note from the Editors: Uhm, hell no. Halloween is more than just a reason to cut work or school and party. And you ever notice how all these claims of kids getting hurt are never linked to actual facts or studies? Because by and large the media falsely reports these claims with no evidence ever year. This claim made in the petition claiming kids are twice as likely to be hit by a car on Halloween came from a study about DISTRACTED WALKING and cell phone use among teens. But it’s being trotted out as more fear-mongering aimed at ruining our once great holiday.
For horror fans, Halloween is like Christmas, Thanksgiving, and New Years wrapped into one. Unfortunately, unlike those other holidays, employers and schools don’t give days off to celebrate. But what if Halloween always fell on a Saturday? For a guaranteed weekend of freaky fun, would you be willing to permanently reschedule Halloween?
That’s what the folks from the nonprofit Halloween & Costume Association are aiming to do with a petition on At the time of this posting, they are about half-way towards their goal of collecting 150,000 signatures.
In addition to ensuring school and work won’t interfere with spooky Halloween festivities, the group claims that weekend trick or treating is safer for kids (who would be able to start making the rounds earlier than on a weeknight).
FOX Q13 reports:
After its rallying cry, the petition lists safety tips for both parents and partiers. “63% of children don’t carry a flashlight while they are (trick)-or-treating. Grab a clip-on light if they don’t want to carry one! Children are more than twice as likely to be hit by a car and killed on Halloween.”
If you think moving Halloween to the last Saturday in October sounds like a fantastic idea, you can add your name to the petition, HERE. If 150,000 signatures are logged, the petition with go to President Trump for official consideration.
What do you think, horror fans? Would Halloween be even better if it always fell on a Saturday? Let us know in the comments below or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram! You can also carry on the convo with me personally on Twitter @josh_millican.