Toxic Fandom Isn’t New: Adam Marcus Reveals “Threats of Violence” Following JASON GOES TO HELL

It sometimes feels like toxic film fandom is a product of the internet age, where disgruntled trolls can spew their most racist/sexist/homophobic bile from the comfort of their homes–and often with complete anonymity. But toxic fandom isn’t a recent phenomenon, and no one who ventures into filmmaking is immune.

Case in point: A new Facebook group was recently established for Jason Goes to Hell: The Final Friday (which was the 9th chapter in the Friday the 13th franchise). The film’s writer/director Adam Marcus is also a part of the group, and he shared both his appreciation to the admins for launching it, along with his thoughts about Jason Goes to Hell‘s legacy.

The film was ruthlessly panned in 1993 by fans were irked by the creative yet divergent twists Marcus added to established Jason Voorhees mythologies (specifically, the iconic slasher’s ability to body-jump). Some even took their dissatisfaction to extreme (and extremely inappropriate) levels. Here’s what Marcus wrote:

“I am so blown away by all of this! [Admins] TJ and Cory, I really want to express my appreciation for creating this group. There is something so extraordinary about creating a safe place for people to talk about the film. I know you know how much crap (including threats of violence) I’ve dealt with since I made JGTH. It’s nuts that anyone thinks it’s appropriate to act that way but I guess it’s the world we live in now.

“That said, there are more and more people discovering the film or rediscovering the film on second, third or fourth viewings. I like to think of it as an ever-expanding family of smart horror fans that are more excited by risk-taking than playing it safe. As a fan of the genre, it’s what always turned me on. It’s what I wanted from the cinema I consumed. Don’t talk down to me, challenge me! As a filmmaker, it’s what I’m committed to. I’m going to keep challenging norms! I’m never going to just deliver the same thing you’ve seen a hundred times. That’s my promise to fans of the genre I love. And I will never back down.

“Thank you to everyone who is here and expressing their love for this movie I made with some extraordinary artists. I made it for the Friday fans of which I am one. I made it out of love. And I love you guys.”

Seriously, I am so blown away by all of this!

You can join the Jason Goes to Hell Facebook group, HERE. You can also revisit the synopsis and trailer for The Final Friday below.

After being blown away by a team of FBI agents, Jason Voorhees (Kane Hodder) needs to find a way to overcome certain death. When his bloodied remains are sent to the morgue, his heart, still intact, is able to hypnotize a coroner and take over his body. After brutally dispatching a couple of FBI agents, he heads back to his favorite stomping grounds: Crystal Lake. Jason commences another teen massacre while a bounty hunter (Steven Williams) discovers the only way to kill him.

What do you think of Jason Goes to Hell: The Final Friday? Has your opinion of the film changed since you first saw it? Let us know in the comments below or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram! You can also carry on the convo with me personally on Twitter @josh_millican.



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