Sorry, James Wan’s Secret Horror Movie is Not a NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET Remake

It was a fun fantasy while it lasted!
Last week, when we reported that James Wan was working on a new, secret horror movie with New Line, Dread Central reader Winston Sims made an exciting prediction:
“I’m’ gonna say that this will end up being the Nightmare On Elm Street reboot! it’s been hinted New Line wants a new Freddy film out in either 2020 or 2021.”
Related Article: Speculation: Could James Wan’s Secret Horror Movie with New Line Be the NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET Reboot?
It was a theory we were more than happy to entertain, as fans have been begging for a new Nightmare reboot for years, and Wan would be a perfect match for the property. Unfortunately, additional information sinks this pipe dream–and it comes from Wan himself. Here’s what he told his Facebook followers:
“There’s been a bit of speculation as to what my next project is… all I’ll say is, I’m super excited to go back to my indie roots with this hard-R thriller. An original horror idea (not a reboot/remake or anything based on existing IP) with old school, practical effects and no giant, blue screen sets.”
So while it won’t be a Freddy Krueger movie, it still sounds like something horror fans can get excited about!
Are you disappointed to hear that James Wan’s secret horror movie at New Line isn’t a new Nightmare on Elm Street movie? Are you just as excited for whatever the 21st Century Master of Horror delivers? Let us know in the comments below or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram! You can also carry on the convo with me personally on Twitter @josh_millican.