Interview: READY OR NOT’s Star Samara Weaving

Fans of ANY genre will now be able to partake in the brilliant and horrific turns of this film. We had a chance to sit with the talented Samara Weaving and chat about her role as Grace. We uncover how Samara chose this role, how much she enjoyed spinning in the air in one of many memorable scenes, and how Hawaiian pizza is a girl’s best friend during her days off from work.
“Grace couldn’t be happier after she marries the man of her dreams at his family’s luxurious estate. There’s just one catch — she must now hide from midnight until dawn while her new in-laws hunt her with guns, crossbows and other weapons.“
Read below to find out more before the film is released August 21st, 2019.
Dread Central: First, cute outfit.
Samara Weaving: Aww… Thank you.
DC: This is not horror-related, but I always feel like you are so well put together. Your outfits are always so well-detailed.
SW: Well, I have a great team. We work well.
DC: You really do. Also, you did so well in this film. The screening last night was amazing. How does it feel to see yourself on screen?
SW: It’s weird. Imagine seeing a million photos of you. You’re just picking at yourself. But I think the response from the audience makes me so nervous. I hope they laugh at the right moments, and I hope they like it. They seemed to really enjoy it, which was great. It was more like feeling out what the audience’s response was.
DC: I was sitting near a good group who couldn’t stop laughing. There were so many funny parts that stood out. During the filming, was there a particular scene for you that stood out?
SW: On set, a scene that took a long time and visually looks so amazing to me, is the car crash, when we spin in the air. We had this giant rig, and it was snowing. We were in the car, and they slowly revolved the car on this rig. We were upside-down; it was like being in a rollercoaster. It was really fun and tricky to get that right. And they nailed it. And I love the music; how the song he is singing just goes up with the scene. It was great.
DC: I read in an article that you are not a huge fan of horror, but I love the fact that you do it. And…you do an amazing job. It is very inspiring because I know of a lot of women who want to be in horror, and they really admire you. So how do you pick your roles?
SW: Well, for this one, I guess it was a new phase in my career where I could sort of start picking and choosing. I had the luxury of really thinking it over. And with this one, I think I’ve said before, I was the protagonist for once. In a lot of the other genre films that I’ve done, I’m the one with a bunch of guns or weapons. I look insane, and I’m coming after people, playing the villain. So this was great to play the other side of it because essentially, you’re the audience. You’re responding how the audience would respond. So, that was a cool way to think about it.
And the script just really found the tone. It was just really funny and really scary right off the page. But I have to consult my fiancee Jimmy a lot because he loves horror films. So, I think it’s good, and then I’ll double-check with Jimmy and say, “Has there been a film like this before? Have you seen all of them?” He’s a writer, so he loved it.
DC: Perfect. So, I have a nosy question because I’m a nosy person. When you’re not acting, what do you like to do? What’s a regular day for you?
SW: Honestly, my favorite thing is to watch television on the couch or bed and order pizza.
DC: Oh gosh, yes! What’s your favorite pizza?
SW: People really judge me for liking Hawaiian pizza.
DC: Oh my gosh, that’s the best pizza. Don’t listen to people. They’re jealous.
SW: I know! Thank you!
DC: As far as it goes with preparing for roles, where do you begin with getting into your characters?
SW: I generally work with my drama coach, Leigh Kilton-Smith, who is so helpful. We break down the scenes, and we study the overall arc. That way every scene isn’t like, “I’m being scared again.”
What’s the discovery in the scene that hasn’t been discovered before? We make sure that she’s a different person throughout the film, like she’s learned from this experience. And, you know, tweaking the jokes, and having alternative jokes for the day. That way, when I get there, I can have fun with it and not be so nervous. I can have the most enjoyable time and experience.
DC: I just think that is so cool that you get nervous.
SW: Oh, like every time. I’m nervous right now. I’m an anxious person.
DC: I don’t see it at all. You’re great.
SW: Thanks. I’m working on it.
DC: So, is there someone in the industry that you want to work with, or that you see yourself working with in the future?
SW: Oh, everyone. Anyone who will take me. I’ll be there.
DC: Thank you so much, Samara. You’re amazing.
SW: Thank you.