Extras Revealed for HOUSE BY THE CEMETERY Issue #3 from Eibon Press, On Sale Friday

Eibon Press will release Issue #3 of House by the Cemetery (the final installment) this Friday, August 23rd. As always, the publisher is offering a variety of purchasing options tailored for every budget. Check out your choices below.

“First up is our Psycho Fan Edition, you get EVERYTHING in this edition kids! 3 Complete Editions of Issue #3 including TWO rare variant covers by Vince Locke and Jeff Zornow! PLUS our most bad-ass extra yet… a 110 page Black n’ White Noir Ashcan collecting ALL THREE Issues of House By The Cemetery! Yes, you read that right, all of Locke’s original black and white art from all three issues collected in one amazing paperback and Vince signed each one! WOW! Only 100 of these made, ONLY AVAILABLE in the Psycho Edition! They will go FAST!”

“Next up is our Signature Edition. Featuring an exclusive Trading Card, an awesome art print signed by Vince Locke and an audiobook Download Card!”

“And here’s our Standard Edition. Featuring an exclusive Trading Card and an audiobook Download Card!”

“And finally we have our no-frills Un-Sleeved Edition featuring an awesome variant cover by Jeff Zornow! No sleeve, no extras, just the book…”

Don’t forget to mark your calendars in order to pick up your copy of House by the Cemetery Issue #3 on Friday, HERE.
Are you a fan of horror comics? Are you excited to pick up a copy of House by the Cemetery Issue #3? Let us know in the comments below or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram! You can also carry on the convo with me personally on Twitter @josh_millican.