Announcing DREAD XP – Gaming Content By Gamers For Gamers

Hey there, horror fans. My name is Ted. You might have seen my name pop up around the site every once in a while, usually tied to the latest horror game or mediocre found footage film. God, there were some bad found footage films. Fun fact, I actually got my start at Dread when the editor flung a pile of DVD screeners at me while shouting, “I’M TIRED OF ALL THIS SHIIIIIIIIIIIIT!” So my story began, watching films like House of Bad to hopefully save others from the torment. Over time, I slowly crawled my way from the muck and up the totem pole to the auspicious title of, “That Guy That Does The Video Game Stuff.”
The point of this piece isn’t to flex (though I do still assert that’s one of the only reasons to pursue a career in internet punditry). The point is, I’ve been here a while. In that time, the Dread Central we know and love has gone through many changes. Focus has changed. The site has been redesigned twice. Some new faces have come, some old faces are gone. With each change comes the opportunity to grow, to shape Dread Central into the horror destination for true horror fans.
For a long time now, we at Dread Central have been discussing ways to improve our gaming coverage. After a lot of discussion, planning, and only a few flipped tables, we have landed on the idea that puts the largest amount of work directly on the desk of me and my gaming cohorts (yippie!). Instead of forcing film/TV and gaming coverage to compete for eyeballs, we’re going big or going home. Introducing: Dread XP.

With DreadXP, we plan to keep bringing you the same great Dread Central coverage specifically for the world of gaming. That means video games, board games, tabletop games, card games, emotional games… okay, maybe not the last one. Starting after this announcement goes live, all gaming articles will be hosted on DreadXP. You can go there for all our past and future gaming content.
So you’re thinking to yourself, “Ted, this sounds great and all. I certainly love Dread Central, gaming, and your phenomenal writing skills. What else is in the cards for this marriage blessed by the heavens?” Well, I’m glad you asked! With DreadXP, our mission is to deliver quality original content daily. Right off the bat, we are launching with a slew of video interviews from our E3 library. Want to hear from the game director of Dying Light 2? How about the narrative director of Control? Over the next week, our video library will be full of over 20 interviews collected from our time at the show. This is just a taste of what’s to come, as we are dedicated to continuing our video content with further interviews and hot takes.
But what about our fans stuck in traffic or at work? Fret not. DreadXP is also launching with two podcasts: Real Professional and Spooky Dice.
Real Professional is a podcast created by our writing staff, where “real professionals” interview actual real professionals about all aspects of the gaming industry. Hear from writers, devs, designers, coders, PR people, etc., about what the industry is like from an insider perspective.
Spooky Dice is a tabletop/board game focused podcast where novice and hardcore meet to compare experiences playing new horror games for the first time. Releasing over the coming week, these shows will keep your earholes fed while your hands do all the boring stuff.
Much of what’s to come is still in the works. As of now, it’s still a bit rough around the edges. That’s where you all come in. With DreadXP, I want that community-driven feel to be what forms the culture of the site. We’re creating content not for clicks, but for people. My mission is to deliver real discussion pieces, thoughtful interviews, and intelligent content for people genuinely passionate about gaming. The news won’t be posted without some kind of discussion piece. Reviews will be written by real gamers who actually know what they are talking about. In an industry so focused on becoming the next “hot thing,” I want to make sure that DreadXP is the next quality thing. Bear with us while we work out the kinks, and I promise to make DreadXP the kind of site you’re not embarrassed to tell your friends you’re active on.
As for now, thank you to all the loyal Dread fans throughout the years. My time here has been an absolute blessing. If you need me, I’ll be just next door at DreadXP! See you there!
Categorized:Horror Gaming News