SATANTIC PANIC Is Fueled By Synth Rockers WOLFMEN OF MARS: Exclusive Track Premiere

Tomorrow sees the release of FANGORIA’s Satanic Panic, the horror/comedy directed by Chelsea Stardust that’s all about a tip-bereft pizza delivery girl who gets involved with the wrong kind of folk.
The film features a score by our pals Wolfmen of Mars and today we’re bringing you an exclusive reveal of the track “A Game The Devil Played (Extended)”, which you can listen to above!
Wolfmen of Mars‘ Luke Liberty tells Dread Central, “We had an insane amount of fun doing the score for this. Chelsea and the Fangoria team made something that is a goddamn blast and we can’t wait for people to see, and hear, this crazy flick.”
Burning Witches Records will be releasing the soundtrack on vinyl edition.