Trailer: SHE NEVER DIED is the Gender-Swapped Follow-Up to HE NEVER DIED

In 2015, Henry Rollins played a vampire navigating the complexity of modern society in He Never Died, written and directed by Jason Krawczyk. She Never Died is the gender-swapped follow-up, starring Olunike Adeliyi. Give the trailer a spin embedded at the top of the article.
Lacey, a socially detached loner is cursed with immortality. In her attempts to keep her compulsions in check, she seeks out the darkest souls humanity has to offer. Lacey must now face her own inner demons while simultaneously finding her next meal.
For She Never Died, Krawczyk passed the director’s torch to Audrey Cummings; in addition to Adeliyi, the film stars Peter MacNeill and Kiana Madeira.
She Never Died is slated to screen at a number of upcoming festivals including Cinefest Sudbury International Film Festival, the Calgary International Film Festival, Grimmfest (U.K), and ScreamFest (Hollywood, CA).
Were you a fan of He Never Died? What do you think of the synopsis and trailer for She Never Died? Let us know in the comments below or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram! You can also carry on the convo with me personally on Twitter @josh_millican.
Source: BD