Quick Goon Update Goes Nowhere

Eric Powell
We’ve been talking about a big screen adaptation of Eric Powell’s The Good for what feels like forever. Every couple of months or so a new update comes our way, and it’s never good news. So what’s up? We’ll let Powell himself clear all that up for you.
“Recently some sites have been saying the ‘Goon’ film has been nixed based on comments from Paul Giamatti saying he didn’t know where the film was at and we must have ran out of money,” said Powell on his blog. “Let me assure you we have not run out of money… because we never had any money to run out of.”
“It’s been a while since anyone spoke to Giamatti about the project and I guess he wasn’t kept in the loop as to what was going on. So zip up your fly, Internet. ‘The Goon’ is in the exact same position it’s been in for the past couple of years. Prepping the design and script while searching for funding.”
The Goon follows a muscle-bound, stocky badass who fights demons, ghosts, werewolves, and anything else the supernatural wants to throw at him. It’s a fun, romping adventure through a world filled with monsters. Check out some early test footage below featuring voice work by Paul Giamatti and Clancy Brown.
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