There’s a Slime City Massacre Heading to Tampa, Las Vegas, and Buffalo

Author and filmmaker Gregory Lamberson has announced three new theatrical screenings for Slime City Massacre, his gooey celebration of 1980s cult films which stars Debbie Rochon and Brooke Lewis and features cameos by Roy Frumkes and Lloyd Kaufman, taking place in Tampa, FL; Las Vegas, NV; and his hometown of Buffalo, NY.
After a successful tour on the horror film festival circuit, SCM was released on DVD in 2011 by Media Blasters and enjoyed a limited theatrical release from iFN, Indie Film Net.
“This is what it takes to make the audience aware of a film that defies easy categorization,” says Lamberson. “SCM is horror, it’s sci-fi, it’s action, and it’s bizarro comedy. It took the original Slime City about eighteen years to develop its reputation as a cult film; it needed to fade away and be re-released and rediscovered. Our goal with SCM is to keep it out there in public so that the people it was made for have a chance to see it on a big screen, with an audience. I’m glad that promoters keep contacting me to screen it, and not the other way around.”
First up, as reported previously, the slimy opus mucks up the Tampa Pitcher Theater in Florida on Thursday, February 9th, at 9:30 pm. Lamberson will do a Q&A with Lee Perkins, one of the stars of the film. The screening launches Cult Movie Mania’s “Screaming Cinema” series. Future entries in the series include Father’s Day, The Theatre Bizarre, and Herschell Gordon Lewis’s The Uh-Oh Show.
Romance is in the air one week later on Friday, February 17th, when Las Vegas bets on slime for “The St. Valentine’s Day Massacre” at Theatre7, sponsored by the PollyGrind Film Festival, which named SCM “the Biggest Baddest Mother of the PollyGrind” in 2010 and awarded author Kealan Patrick Burke with its Best Actor award.
Finally, on May 26th, the slime returns to the scene of the crime at Buffalo’s Central Terminal; SCM was filmed in abandoned buildings surrounding the historic Art Deco tower in 2009. “Beyond Ghosts ParaHorror Weekend” is a three-day event to benefit the restoration of the Terminal, and Lamberson and local cast members will screen the film. Lloyd Kaufman will be on hand to show Poultrygeist, also filmed in Buffalo.
For more on all of these events, just click the links above.
Slime City Massacre (review here) tells the tale of four squatters in a post-apocalyptic NYC neighborhood who discover a supply of “Zachary Devon’s Home Brewed Elixir” and “Himalayan Yogurt” in the ruins of a basement. When they ingest the concoctions, they are transformed into hideous slime creatures that prey on Slime City’s homeless population and battle cannibals and mercenaries.
Not one to rest on his laurels, Lamberson has three new horror books being published this year, including the zombie novella Carnage Road from Creeping Hemlock Press in April; his werewolf sequel The Frenzy War from Medallion Press in June; and Tortured Spirits, Book Four in The Jake Helman Files, from Medallion in October.
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