New Details and Screenshots Emerge for The Last of Us

So, the trailer for The Last of Us looked incredible, but what does the game play like? For all we know, we could be fighting off hordes of zombie Nyan Cats armed only with our trusty rocket propelled pancake launcher.
Luckily, that doesn’t seem to be the case with The Last of Us. Some of the recently released in-game screenshots provides new details into this Playstation 3 exclusive. Apparently, some majority of the game will take place in a post-apocalyptic Pittsburgh, and, as with most post-apocalyptic games, there will be a strong emphasis on survival through scavenging of items and weapons. Players will control Joel rather than Ellie–who will be controlled by a sophisticated AI. It was also revealed that combat in the game will be part melee and part gunplay, and weapons will deteriorate and break over time.
For more information on the game, check out the official The Last of Us website.

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