*UPDATED!* Festivals for Richards’ Scars

**DIG IT: Mr. Richards just sent us a look at the poster for Summer Scars! Sexy!<**
This sounds like it’s going to walk the line of good taste and exploitation; and might be a bit dangerous, to boot.
Julian (The Last Horror Movie) Richards’ latest film, Summer Scars, is getting ready to start making the festival rounds this season. The film is about a group of six fourteen-year-old boys who are befriended by a stranger in the woods whose behavior becomes increasingly abusive. He holds them hostage in their den and they’re forced to embrace the darkness inside themselves in order to survive the ordeal.
Kevin Howarth, star of Last Horror Movie, is in the lead this time, as well, though unrecognizable as the man who makes their lives hell. The film will be screening at the following festivals, so make sure you check it out if you’re going to be nearby;
Over in the UK, Summer Scars has already been nominated for Best UK Feature at the Raindance Film Festival, and will be unspooling at Dublin’s Horrorthon and the first annual Abettoir Horror Film Festival in Aberystwyth, Wales. Man, that’s a big schedule for a film we’ve not heard about in almost a year (“Richards is Back With New Scars” – September 2006); I guess they’ve been polishing the hell out of it!
Check out Summer Scars trailer below and keep it here for more info from the film very soon!
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