Amy Steel Visits Delamorte’s Dungeon of Deadly Delights this Saturday!f

This week on the Dungeon we continue our Women in Horror Month festivities! But this isn’t your typical celebration. We’ll be speaking to “the queen of crimson“, Philadelphia horror host Karen Scioli, as well as one of the greatest “final girls” ever: Friday the 13th Part 2‘s Amy Steel!
Talk about a nightmare come true. So join yours cruelly, Barb Breese, Andrea Albin, and Julie Ann Prescott this Sinister Saturday, February 11th, at 11:00 pm ET/8:00 pm PST on Jackalope 105!
We can also be downloaded on iTunes and heard globally through archives!
Delamorte’s Dungeon of Deadly Delights is sponsored by Doug Bradley’s Spine Chillers and clothing and apparel company Se7en Deadly, along with Jackalope radio and Dread Central.
Delamorte’s Dungeon. The only show you need for your weekend horror feed! Check back next week to hear what bloody surprises we have on tap! And remember… The only thing that can impale your dreams is your own negativity!
Scare ya next week!

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