Idris Elba Talks Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance and Prometheus

Idris Elba is on fire! From a run on “The Office” to great roles in Thor and “Luther” to now appearing in the eagerly anticipated films Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance and Prometheus, the only thing hotter than Idris Elba is Ghost Rider’s head.
Elba plays Moreau in the upcoming Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance and chatted with our man Nomad during a recent press event for the film. “He’s a wayward monk that’s lost in the wilderness on his motorcycle with a bottle of wine on his back,” Elba said. “We wanted someone that was worldly, that was fearless and that was good in the central point because he’s going to go after the Ghost Rider and try to get him to go on a mission. We tried to figure out what kind of man does that, and Moreau was born. And he’s a really well-thought-out character.”
Elba feels the new film will impress comic book fans. “I’d seen the original (Ghost Rider), and I was a Spider-Man fan from back in the day,” Elba said. “I think this film really has the textures of a comic book. Comic books have big acting and big shots, and this film actually does the same thing without using too much green screen.” Elba said huge amounts of preparation went into the stunts in the film and the 3D technology did not hinder the filmmaking process at all.
The word is fans are in for an exciting treat with Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance. “It’s a fun ride,” Elba said. “The story behind it is about Johnny Blaze reading into himself and dragging the Ghost Rider out of him. I think people are going to have a good time with this one. It’s just fun… and fast.
And once we had him sitting down talking, we had to ask Elba about Ridley Scott’s mysterious new film Prometheus. “It’s incredibly visually stunning. Ridley Scott is a genius,” Elba said. “We’re really mindful of the audience knowing too much before they get there because it’ll spoil it, but it’s a very exciting film. Fans of Ridley and his legacy will be very proud of it.”
Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance, starring Nicholas Cage, Johnny Whitworth, Ciaran Hinds, Fergus Riordon, Idris Elba, Violante Placido and Christopher Lambert, opens everywhere this Friday, February 17th.

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