Upcoming CONTROL DLC To Bridge Worlds Into ALAN WAKE!

One of the coolest games I’ve played in recent years, Remedy’s Control lends itself to a world where anything is possible. Part The X-Files and part M.C. Escher, the game plays with reality in ways that keep gamers on their toes.
As we previously wrote, the worlds of Control and Remedy’s 2010 title Alan Wake are intertwined, the events of Bright Falls investigated by the Federal Bureau of Control. How it seems that Remedy is going to bridge these two games into one experience with a Control DLC aimed to come out in mid-2020.
As the Control blog outlines, there will be four new additions to the game over the coming months. In Fall, we’ll get a “Photo Mode”, allowing players to capture interesting snapshots during their playthrough. In December, a new game mode called “Expeditions” will arrive. In early 2020, the first true expansion comes in the form of “The Foundation”, a location in the game that seems ripe for exploration. Last, but certainly not least and perhaps the most exciting, is “AWE”.
As the blog describes it, “The second expansion, AWE, will take Jesse into a new part of the Oldest House, the Investigations Sector, where the Bureau closely examines Altered World Events.”
If you look at the poster for “AWE”, you’ll notice that the top half looks very similar to the cover of Alan Wake (see below). And since we know those two universes are, in fact, one and the same, it seems like Jesse might come face-to-face with Alan in a brand new story.
