Dive Into Our Sept 24th Dread Screening with This Exclusive Clip from PREY

To prepare you for next week’s free Los Angeles screening, Dread Central nabbed an exclusive clip from Prey, which looks to be the horror version of Survivor! You can be the first to see this Blumhouse production on Tuesday, September 24 at 7:30 pm at Hollywood’s Arena Cinelounge Sunset (6464 Sunset Boulevard; 323-924-1644). To obtain tickets, follow the link below. Offer is good for you and your guests (the more the merrier!). Seating is not guaranteed, so arrive early.
Related Article: Dread Central to Host Free LA Screening of Blumhouse’s PREY on Sept 24th!
Directed by Franck Khalfoun (Amityville: The Awakening,Maniac,P2,I Lived), Prey stars Logan Miller (Escape Room, The Walking Dead) and Kristine Froseth (Apostle) as two young strangers forced to run and fight for their lives against a mysterious and deadly force lurking deep in the jungle of a secluded island retreat. Cinedigm will release Prey in theaters and VOD on September 27.
And don’t forget: New Yorkers can see Blumhouse’s Bloodline this Wednesday and Lionsgate’s The Black String in LA on Thursday. Go HERE and HERE for details. And stay tuned for news about another Halloween screening from Dread Central coming soon!