Horror Writers Association Announces Bram Stoker Award Nominees

Yesterday we gave you a heads-up that the Rondo Award nominees have been named. We follow that up today with an announcement from the Horror Writers Association that the 2011 Bram Stoker Award nominees have been announced.
I don’t think they yet have a nickname for them … The Brammies, The Stokees, The Brokees … we’ll work on it.
Everything is covered from novels and non-fiction to screenplays and graphic novels and everything written in-between. Take a look at the nominees and see who you think deserves to walk away with an award this year. Follow these links for more info on the Bram Stoker Awards and the Horror Writers Association.
From the Press Release
Each year the Horror Writers Association presents the Bram Stoker Awards for Superior Achievement in the field of horror writing, named in honor of Bram Stoker, author of the seminal horror work Dracula. Since 1987 the approximately 700 members of the HWA have recommended, nominated and voted on the greatest works of horror and dark fantasy of the previous calendar year, making the Bram Stoker Awards the most prestigious award in the field of horror literature. For the first time in 2011, half the nominees were chosen by juries.
The awards are presented in eleven categories: Novel, First Novel, Young Adult Novel, Graphic Novel, Long Fiction, Short Fiction, Screenplay, Fiction Collection, Anthology, Non-fiction, and Poetry Collection. The organization’s Active and Lifetime members will select the winners from this list of nominees; and the Awards will be presented at a gala banquet on Saturday evening, March 31, at the World Horror Convention in Salt Lake City, Utah. For all the nominees click here.

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