Exclusive Interview: Jared Cohn Talks Working with Idol William Shatner on DEVIL’S REVENGE

It’s been two weeks since we shared the trailer for Devil’s Revenge. Star Trek‘s William Shatner stars in this satanic horror movie, which he co-wrote with Maurice Hurley (Star Trek: The Next Generation). Look for Devil’s Revenge (directed by Jared Cohn) on VOD and Blu-ray/DVD sometime in October. Give the trailer a spin at the top of the article.
A down-on-his-luck archaeologist returns from a cave expedition that contains a cursed relic that’s also a portal to Hell. He discovers that the only way to stop the curse on his family is to go back to the cave and destroy the relic.
Dread was lucky enough to talk to the director of Devil’s Revenge about what it was like working with Shatner, who the filmmaker counts as one of his idols. Read our conversation below.
Dread Central: Congrats on yet another solid genre release, sir. How many films has it been now?

Jared Cohn: I’ve directed 33 feature films. Some good, some OK…Some not so good [Laughs] But live and learn, and grow. C’est la vie.
DC: And this one, I guess you’d say, is very different to some of your best-known films – 12/12/12, Little Dead Rotting Hood, Jailbait– because it borders more on sci-fi than horror. Is that fair to say?
JC: Well… I would say that Devil’s Revenge has horror, action, sci-fi, thriller and dramatic elements in it. I know that sounds like a lot of genres mixed up, but keep in mind, the writer is the late, great Maurice Hurley, who wrote Star Trek: The Next Generation, and created the Borg. The man was a genius. His writing, in my opinion, doesn’t necessarily fit into one box. I hope he would like the movie.
DC: Did you find it refreshing working on the film though – since it isn’t your usual ‘Jared Cohn Film’?
JC: Every time I’m working, it’s refreshing in one way or the other. I don’t know what a usual Jared Cohn film is. I prefer being unusual, my goal is to direct meaningful films. My next film that’s coming out is the Lynyrd Skynyrd biopic. I’ve directed all sorts of movies so for me, I like to try different things, and explore what I can do. Sometimes it works out, sometimes it doesn’t. And there are countless ways why something would work and why something would fail.
DC: Is William Shatner the biggest name you’ve worked with to date?

JC: I’ve worked with all sorts of people. Some are very successful. But certainly, Shatner is a huge star. I wouldn’t want to rank people.
DC: Did he come with any advice for you or the film?
JC: Yes, and his ideas were good. I listened. The man has been doing this for longer than I’ve been alive. He knows a lot, about life and movies/television.
DC: Were you a Trek fan?
JC: I’ve seen every episode of The Next Generation and Deep Space Nine. And I, of course, watched a lot of the original. But I grew up on Next Generation. I’ve got two Star Trek tattoos! Big fan.
DC: Who came up with the story? Any inspirations for it? Do I spot some Starship Troopers in there?
JC: The original story was by Mr. William Shatner himself. Maurice Hurley wrote the screenplay. My inspiration was sort of Indiana Jones meets The Ninth Gate. I wanted to do something that can be enjoyed by a broad audience, not just horror or science fiction fans.
DC: Had Shatner and Jeri Ryan known each other?

JC: Yes.
DC: And how different are their characters here than the ones they’re best known for?
JC: Shatner brought a lot of characteristics that are unlike his Star Trek character. He has a lot of range, he’s worked in so many different, great movies and television shows that he knows what works best for each character. He brought his A-game for sure.
DC: What can we expect in terms of monsters, creatures, and nasties in the film?
JC: Vincent Guastini, who did the demons is extremely talented. The man worked on The Last of the Mohicans and Requiem for a Dream, he’s an A-list special makeup effect creator and designer. The demons came out really well. I am confident the audience will like what they see. But in regards to the entire film, of course, there will be haters. Haters gonna’ hate.
DC: And can you see this being the start of a franchise?
JC: That would be awesome. Devil’s Revenge 2, 3, 4, 5, 6… I’m ready to go!

What do you think of our exclusive interview with Jared Cohn? Does Devil’s Revenge look/sound like a movie you’d like to see? Let us know in the comments below or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram! You can also carry on the convo with me personally on Twitter @josh_millican.