Latest Trailer for “Schadenfreude” Horror ONANIA CLUB from Director of THE HUMAN CENTIPEDE is All Kinds of Vile!

The last time we saw a trailer for Tom Six’s upcoming horror movie The Onania Club, I was still working for Horror Freak News! Today brings another look at the vile film, said to be the very definition of “Schadenfreude” (the experience of pleasure, joy, or self-satisfaction that comes from learning of or witnessing the troubles, failures, or humiliation of another).
You can check out the latest trailer embedded at the top of the article.
Strong, rich, white L.A. women (über bitches) run the show and deeply enjoy the misery of others.
According to “Onanism is an archaic term for masturbation. … The term was coined in the eighteenth century when the anti-masturbation tract Onania was published in England, citing biblical authority to condemn the practice, which the author equated to sodomy (also a non-procreative sexual activity).”
The Onania Club stars Jessica Morris, Darcy DeMoss, Deborah Twiss, Karen Strassman, and Flo Lawrence. Six hopes to find distribution for the film at AFM next month.
Are you a fan of Tom Six and The Human Centipede movies? Are you interested in checking out The Onania Club? Let us know in the comments below or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram! You can also carry on the convo with me personally on Twitter @josh_millican.