2 Halloweens?!? “National Trick or Treat Day” is Now Officially a Thing

As may recall, a recent petition aiming to move Halloween to the last Saturday in October (for safety reasons) was met with fierce opposition. Nonetheless, the “ALLoween” campaign received over 150,000 signatures. Perhaps hoping for an alternative that would please all parties, the last Saturday of each month will henceforth be known as “National Trick or Treat Day”.
Related Article: There’s Another Petition to Make Halloween the Last Saturday in October
Here’s the full scoop from a press release distributed by the “ALLoween” organizers:
As the petition to change the way Americans celebrate Halloween surpasses 150,000 signatures, National Trick or Treat Day has officially been added to the National Day Calendar! People all across the country are embracing the idea of a safer, longer, stress-free Halloween celebration, the Halloween & Costume Association (HCA) and Party City have just launched their all-inclusive #ALLoween campaign – an initiative designed to support the all-day celebration of National Trick or Treat Day AND the time-honored traditions of Halloween on October 31st.
“The #ALLoween campaign is rooted in the spirit of unity and togetherness. We plan to leverage the power of Halloween to help bring people together. We are reminding Americans that at its core, this celebration is an annual rite of acceptance — when we are free to unleash imagination, explore identity, embrace otherness, and unite in wonder over what and who we could be,” said Kevin Johnson, HCA Chairman and Chief Excitement Officer at Elope.
In support of National Trick or Treat Day, which takes place on the last Saturday of October, the #ALLoween campaign will help amplify the additional Saturday celebration while promoting community parades, neighborhood parties and daytime Trick or Treating options.
In partnership with Party City, the HCA will launch multiple social media contests with some spooky prize packs up for grabs. In addition to community celebration ideas, trick or treat tips and a bucket load of prizes, fans and followers will find recipes, costume ideas, playlists and more by searching #ALLoween! The HCA will also sponsor city-wide last Saturday celebrations in several states!
A community blueprint, jam-packed with event ideas, celebration suggestions and everything needed to throw one wicked party, is available for download at www.TrickTreatDay.com.
So, in a way, I guess we have two Halloweens to look forward to each year!
Will you be celebrating “National Trick or Treat” Day on October 26th? Let us know in the comments below or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram! You can also carry on the convo with me personally on Twitter @josh_millican.