This Day in Horror: Happy Birthday Robert Patrick

On this day in 1958: Robert Patrick was born.

Robert Patrick will always be best known as the T-1000 in Terminator 2: Judgement Day. It was his first leading role and the role that Patrick says started his career. After that, he was never without work. His tough looks frequently saw him cast as the “heavy,” or the bad guy. He often plays criminals, gangsters, or law enforcement figures.

To me, Patrick will always be FBI Agent John Doggett in Seasons 8 and 9 of The X-Files. Doggett was Agent Scully’s new partner when Agent Mulder was abducted by aliens at the end of Season 7. When Mulder returned towards the end of Season 8, he was jealous of Doggett, for getting too close to Scully, and for being put in charge of his precious X-Files.

Robert Patrick’s other genre film credits include: Dusk Till Dawn 2: Texas Blood Money, The Faculty, Ravager, Asylum,and Last Gasp. On the television side, Patrick can be seen in True Blood, From Dusk Till Dawn: The Series, and an episode of Tales From the Crypt.

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