Trailer: Nerd Realizes He’s Actually a Powerful Cyborg in Hysterical Horror-Comedy ROBOT AWAKENING
A wimpy, suicidal nerd realizes he’s actually a powerful cyborg in the trailer for Robot Awakening, embedded at the top of the article. Written and directed by Tai Goldberg and Gal Zelezniak, look for Robot Awakening in select theaters, DVD, and VOD beginning December 3rd from High Octane Pictures.
Danny is depressed for eight months because his girlfriend left him without even leaving a note. In great despair, he decides to slit his wrists – only to discover that his arm is made of steel and that he can shoot laser beams. he’s a robot, and if that isn’t enough, his girlfriend was abducted by a mysterious organization. Accompanied by the CEO of the computer company where he works and an Orthodox observant robot, Danny embarks on a journey to rescue his pregnant girlfriend!
What do you think of the trailer and synopsis for Robot Awakening? Let us know in the comments below or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram! You can also carry on the convo with me personally on Twitter @josh_millican.