Take a Look at Mysterious Slasher Film 7 Down

Although it’s really cool to get a good look at a slasher film’s killer right off the bat, there is something to be said about a faceless killer as well. That mysteriously shadowed shroud of a killer can often be just as enticing as their creatively masked counterparts.
The new indie slasher 7 Down goes for the kill, prowler-style.
7 Down was written and directed by Tyler L. Schmid (Schmid also wrote the screenplay with Shadlee Schmid). The film stars Rachel Fejfer, Mike Crawford, Adam Flores, Josh Crawford, Sam Sajid, Gaia Fox, Kenton Masloskie and Tyler Schmid. Take a look at the trailer below and let us know what you think.
You can check out the 7 Down website and if you’re into the film you can purchase it at RHR Home Video and then give them a like on the 7 Down Facebook page.
Seamus (Mike Crawford), Damion (Kenton Masloskie) and Craig (Adam Flores) are primed to go out of town for a haunted hay rack ride. The beer and vodka flow freely until the three friends are thrown a curve ball when Seamus’ younger sister, Mickey (Raychel Fejfar), invites three of her friends to join the party: Ted (Josh Crawford), the shy photography student who often goes unnoticed; Julianna (Gaia Foxx), who cannot escape the loss of her parents and little brother; and Salvatore (Sam Sajid), the greasy mafia connected drug dealer.
The tension rises when the friends realize that they are lost. The fear of driving at night increases their hysteria. The situation worsens when Ted’s car breaks down. A cell phone call to AAA, and a liter of vodka sparks the inevitable. Who is the killer and what is the motive for his madness?

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