JOKER Script Now Available
As if you didn’t know, The Hangover and Old School director Todd Phillips’ Joker starring Joaquin Phoenix has gathered up its fair share of controversy since it was released last month.
And today we have the film’s sure-to-be award-winning script by Todd Phillips & Scott Silver for your viewing pleasure.
One of my favorite aspects is that it begins with: “This story takes place in its own universe. It has no connection to any of the DC films that have come before it. We see it as a classic Warner Bros. movie. Gritty, intimate and oddly funny, the characters live in the real world and the stakes are personal. Although it is never mentioned in the film, this story takes place in the past. Let’s call it 1981. It’s a troubled time. The crime rate in Gotham is at record highs. And the divide between the “haves” and the “have-nots” is palpable. Dreams are beyond reach, slipping into delusions.”
Read the script HERE.
Todd Phillips (The Hangover) directed Joker from a screenplay he co-wrote along with Scott Silver based on DC Comics characters. Phillips also produced the film along with Bradley Cooper and Emma Tillinger Koskoff. It stars Joaquin Phoenix, Robert De Niro, Zazie Beetz, and Frances Conroy.
Joker is now playing at a theater near you.
Have you seen Joker more than once yet? What did you think of Phoenix’s work the second time around? Let us know in the comments below or over on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram!