First Look: Richard Brake in TREMORS 7

Next year we will see 31 and 3 From Hell actor Richard Brake take on those pesky Graboids in the seventh entry in the cult classic Tremors series, Tremors: Island Fury.
And today we have your first look at Brake from the new film.
Michael Gross shared the first look at Brake’s character over on Facebook writing:
“Aside from Graboids! and other assorted fauna, Tremors films always have a colorful cast of characters, and T7 is no exception. Joining us is actor Richard Brake, who has appeared in Batman Begins, Doom, and as the “Night King” in Game of Thrones. Burt Gummer will have his hands full with this guy. (What happened to Burt’s beard? Stay tuned).”
Check out the pic of the two actors above.
Along with Gross and Brake, Tremors: Island Fury stars Jon Heder, Caroline Langrishe, Jackie Cruz, Cassie Clare, Sahajak Boonthanakit, Matthew Douglas, Randy Kalsi, Bear Williams, David Asavanond, Boonma Lamphon, Aukrawut Rojaunawat, Iris Park as, and Mikey Black.
Jamie Kennedy will not return.
Tremors: A Cold Day in Hell director Don Michael Paul returns to helm Tremors 7 from a script by Brian Brightly. The new film sees the return of the deadly Graboids, but this time they are illegally brought in to a new island resort by a rich playboy looking for a trophy hunt.
Sounds like fun! Are you excited about Tremors 7? Let us know in the comments below or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram!