Fright-Rags’ SILENT NIGHT DEADLY NIGHT Collection Now Available

Santa is here!… Run!
Fright-Rags’ new officially licensed Silent Night Deadly Night collection is now available.
It includes two t-shirts (sporting their bestselling designs by Justin Osbourn & Scarecrowoven), a fan-favorite glittery Enamel Pin by Danny Morrow, new Wax Pack Trading Cards by Liz Runswick & Joe Guy Allard, and their first-ever Big Naughty Activity Book by Nathan Milliner & Chris Tanski packed with 12 pages of games, puzzles and original coloring pages based on the 80s Christmas horror classic (+ Free Exclusive Fright-Rags Crayons) Order ’em all NOW just in time for Christmas.
You can check out a collage pic of all the killer merch below.
Snag your merch HERE.
For those who might not know, Silent Night Deadly Night tells the tale of Billy Chapmen, orphaned at five after witnessing the murder of his parents at the hands of a Santa suit-clad madman on Christmas Eve. Now eighteen and out of the brutal grip of orphanage nuns, Billy is forced to confront his greatest fear, sending him on a rampage, leaving a crimson trail in the snow behind him.
Charles E. Sellier Jr. directed the film while Ira Richard Barmak, Scott J. Schneid, and Dennis Whitehead produced from a screenplay written by Michael Hickey based on a story by Paul Caimi. It stars Lilyan Chauvin, Gilmer McCormick, Toni Nero, and Robert Brian Wilson. TriStar Pictures unleashed the Christmas slasher classic back on November 9, 1984.
Will you be snagging some bits of Fright-Rags’ new officially licensed Silent Night Deadly Night collection? Let us know in the comments below or over on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram!
