Exclusive: Scott Glosserman Sending Behind the Mask Back to Theatres in Support of Before the Mask; Bitchin’ New One-Sheet!

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If you’re at all familiar with the madness of Leslie Vernon (and shame on you if you’re not), then you’re about to get the chance to have a crash course in his mythology as the original film is headed back to theatres in a truly unique fashion!
This morning we spoke to Behind the Mask: The Rise and Fall of Leslie Vernon director Scott Glosserman to get an update on the progress of the film’s sequel, Before the Mask: The Return of Leslie Vernon, and he had LOTS to share!
Glosserman has opened up a new company known as Gathr, which offers an entirely new way for indie movies to get that elusive big screen push, a term Scott has coined as TOD or Theatrical on Demand. In a nutshell the model is quite simple… in a small town or even a big city that’s not showing the film you really want to see? Hit up the Gathr website and make a request and then have your friends do so as well. If enough people demand it, the flick will be shown at a local theatre complete with a live or Skyped-in Q&A anywhere in the county. An official press release is expected tomorrow, but for now you can hit up the Gathr site for a bit more insight. That being said…
The first film being offered via Gathr is none other than Behind the Mask: The Rise and Fall of Leslie Vernon. All proceeds earned from the folks who make this screening happen will go toward the making of Before the Mask: The Return of Leslie Vernon. So dig that… you’re getting a theatrical experience of a movie that you love along with doing your part to get the second film made. Not enough? There’s even been a special poster made up for the event that is on sale NOW via the Before the Mask store designed by artist Justin Osbourn. Each poster will be printed on 100-lb. glossy paper stock and will be shipped in a tube, NOT folded. Quantities are limited to 425 and will be hand-numbered. Again, all proceeds go toward the making of the second film.
Look for more soon. In the interim dig on this sweet AND AFFORDABLE eye candy!

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