MONSTER WORLD: THE GOLDEN AGE #5 Official Preview Pages

Now available from American Gothic Press is Monster World: The Golden Age #5. Written by Holly Interlandi (script) and Philip Kim (story), the artist is Piotr Kowalski. Dennis Calero is the colorist and Jenn Pham did the lettering. Check out some preview pages below, followed by the issue’s synopsis.

Just as things look bleak at the Conway farm, help comes from the most unexpected of places: Nybbas, demon of knowledge, who has been harboring a grudge against Belphegor, Behemoth, and Enepsigos since the dawn of time. But it’s going to take one hell of a sacrifice to pull off the spell he tells Hank to use…

Pick up the latest issue of Monster World (and past issues) HERE.

What do you think of these preview pages from Monster World: The Golden Age? Let us know in the comments below or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram! You can also carry on the convo with me personally on Twitter @josh_millican.

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