SPAWN Creator Todd McFarlane Shares Hilarious Baby Yoda Nativity Diorama

Spawn creator Todd McFarlane is clearly a huge fan of Baby Yoda from The Mandalorian, the first live-action TV series set in the Star Wars universe. Not only did McFarlane upload a video of himself drawing the character on Instagram last month, but the enormously successful comic creator has also now uploaded a hilarious diorama of the Nativity scene on Twitter, with Baby Yoda in the manger surrounded by Spawn and Violator action figures. We’re not exactly sure if McFarlane is trying to say that Baby Yoda should replace Jesus Christ as the Lord and Saviour for those who follow Christianity, but this should still bring smiles to the faces of both Spawn and Star Wars fans.
You also have to love how one of the Spawn figures in the image has angel wings, seeing as angels are often depicted in the manger scene. This truly is a twisted version of the Nativity story which everyone will be familiar with.
While his official name has yet to be revealed, everyone in the world is referring to the infant member of Yoda’s species introduced in The Mandalorian, as Baby Yoda, so we don’t feel bad about calling him that. The popular Disney+ show has already filmed its second season, so we can expect to see a lot more of Baby Yoda in the near future.
On the other hand, McFarlane, who also serves as the president of Image Comics has hinted that he may crowdfund the next Spawn film. Whether or not this will come to pass remains to be seen, but we would certainly like to see a new Spawn movie someday.
Either way, we know this isn’t much of a news story, but with the final Christmas season of the decade now coming to a close, we thought it would be nice to share something light and humorous with our readers. And Baby Yoda is so damn cute that we couldn’t resist posting a story about him.